Welcome to es.jura.com

By accessing this website you accept the following General Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms you may not use or access this website. The www.es.jura.com website offers products for end consumers for their personal use. The use of this website for any purpose of a commercial nature, being totally prohibited the resale of products purchased through our online sales service, it is prohibited.

1. Identification of the manager of the website

Titular: JURA Espresso S.L.U.
Trade name: JURA e-store
Registered office: C/Hercegovina, 19-23, locales 3 y 4, 08006 Barcelona
VAT number: B-64012768
Commercial register: Registro Mercantil de Barcelona. Tomo 38164, Folio 46, Hoja 318301, libro sección 8
Inscripción 1/A1 (2006-01-20)
Phone: 935 687 200
Domain: www.es.jura.com
E-mail: atencioncliente@jura.com

2. Purpose of the contract

2.1 The conditions contained in this Agreement regulate the terms and conditions applicable to the procurement processes performed by the user (the Customer) of products and services offered by JURA Espresso SLU ("Jura") through its website www.es.jura.com.

2.2 These General Terms and Conditions of contract will be valid for as long as they are accessible through the website, JURA can modify, revise or adapt them to new legal regulations without prior notice or in order to improve products and services offered. The new terms of the contract will apply after its publication, being then fulfilled the duty to notify their publication on the website.

2.3 Both the use of this website as the ordering through it implies acceptance by the Customer of these "General Terms and Conditions. In case you do not agree to be bound to these "General Terms and Conditions" do not use or access this website.

2.4 This document can be printed and stored by the Customer. JURA offers the Customer the following e@mail address: atencioncliente@jura.com so you can raise any questions regarding these "General Terms and Conditions".

3. Parties involved contract

3.1 The purchase process through the website es.jura.com is between the Customer and "JURA".

3.2 “Customer” may be any consumer, natural person resident in Spanish territory and the Balearic Islands, of legal age (+18 years) and have sufficient legal capacity to be bound by these "Terms" as well as legal entities that adequately prove their status and also accept these "GCT" contract. The purchase of products through this Web site by underage or not legally resident in Spain is expressly prohibited.

3.3 "Seller" is the company that commercializes the products and services offered through this website, being referred to in paragraph 1. all data relating to the identification of the seller.

4. Regulation

4.1 It shall apply in all matters not regulated by these "General Terms and Conditions" the following standards or legal texts:

  • Ley 7/1998 de 13 de abril sobre las Condiciones Generales de Contratación
  • Ley 26/1984 de 19 de julio para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios
  • Real Decreto 1906/1999 de 17 de noviembre por el que se regula la Contratación Telefónica o Electrónica
  • Ley 3/2014, de 27 de marzo, por la que se modifica el texto refundido de la Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios y otras leyes complementarias
  • Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal
  • Ley 7/1996 de 15 de enero sobre la Ordenación del Comercio Minorista
  • Ley 34/2002 de 11 de julio se Servicios de la Sociedad de Información y de Comercio Electrónico

4.2 If the customer resides outside Spain and under its law wasn’t applicable the Spanish law, you cannot purchase products or hire services offered by this website.

5. Access and registration

5.1 Access to and consultation of content, products and/or services posted on this website www.es.jura.com are free and no user registration is necessary.

5.2 To carry out the process of buying the products and/or services offered on the website, you must register as a user by following the steps on the website and you may meet the following requirements:

  • Being a natural person older than 18 years with legal capacity or being a legal entity.
  • Provide through the form on the website the required data as compulsory to carry out the purchasing process.

5.3 The registered user will have a personal password, encrypted and non-transferable, which may change at any time.

5.4 The user is required immediately to communicate JURA any facts that may allow unauthorized access or improper use of its password, in order to its cancellation. The lack of communication of such facts or undue delay in the same exempt JURA from any liability that may arise from misuse of personal password by unauthorized third parties.

5.5 The user can unsubscribe, as a registered user at any time, for it must expressly request via e-mail atencioncliente@jura.com.

6. Ordering Process

6.1 Every care has been taken to ensure that the photographic representation, description and specification of each product is accurate. However, while the reproduction of colours is a close representation, a slight variation in the actual goods may occur. We are therefore unable to guarantee that the product images you see are an accurate representation of the actual merchandise.

6.2 The Customer accessing the website es.jura.com can purchase products and/or services available for sale by selecting them to the shopping basket. Once the product selection is done, you must validate your shopping basket in which the products and/or services, number of units, retail price, delivery and shipping costs are displayed.

6.3 Once the Customer validates the selected shopping basket, he may fill the billing and shipping form (where different) as well as expressly tick the acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions. Failure to accept these General Terms and Conditions he shall not proceed with the validation of purchase.

6.4 After entering the billing and/or shipping data, you may select the method of payment between the different options available on the website (credit card or Apple Pay / Google Pay or Klarna). In the case of choosing payment by Klarna, the customer will be re-directed by the website to the Klarna payment platform.

6.5 JURA will confirm the order by electronic mail, only when actual payment is made through online payment platform.

7. Acceptance Order

7.1 The acceptance of an order placed by the Customer through the online store es.jura.com and the confirmation of the contract between Jura and the Customer will be held from the time your order is shipped, unless the order has been canceled according to the order cancellation instructions included in this document.

7.2 JURA may not accept an order in any of the following cases:

  • Failure to obtain approval of the payment by online payment platform (TPV)
  • Failure to obtain approval of the payment by the payment platform Klarna.
  • Identifying a mistake in retail price or product description
  • The non-acceptance by the Customer of these General Terms and Conditions.

8. Payment Methods

8.1 We only accept payment in euros.

8.2 The Customer may pay the order through the following methods available:

  • Credit card (Visa, MasterCard)
  • Apple Pay / Google Pay
  • Klarna

8.3 The electronic payment methods by credit card, debit card or Klarna are subject to validation checks and authorization by issuers of payment. If counterparties fail to authorize the payment, the order will be cancelled, not being able to continue with the purchase process, without any liability or compensation to JURA.

8.4 To carry out payment through electronic means JURA has installed a ecommerce payment gateway with SIX Swiss company. All data provided on our website for this purpose are properly encrypted to ensure maximum security and confidentiality of the same, and are certified according to the PCI Data Security Standard regulations.

8.4 In any case JURA will obtain information on data credit card or debit card provided by the customer through the payment gateway. The Customer, if desired, may also use the method of payment through his PayPal account without sharing financial information with JURA. If you select this method of payment the customer will be redirected to the secure PayPal page, where you can enter your data and accept the charge. Once the payment to PayPal is confirmed, JURA will proceed to the order confirmation and their preparation.

8.5 In any case JURA will obtain information on data credit card or debit card provided by the customer through the payment gateway. The Customer, if desired, may also use the method of payment through his Klarna account without sharing financial information with JURA. If you select this method of payment the customer will be redirected to the secure Klarna page, where you can enter your data and accept the charge. Once the payment to Klarna is confirmed, JURA will proceed to the order confirmation and their preparation.

9. Delivery Information

9.1 es.jura.com delivers orders placed through the website to any address in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands through the agency hired for this purpose. We are also happy to ship to another country of the European Union or the European Free Trade State. Please contact our customer service team by email tienda@jura.com. You will receive individual information about delivery time and costs.

9.2 Delivery of the orders will be made in the direction indicated by the customer in his order by the carrier designated by JURA within approximately 24/48 working hours from the formalization and effective payment of the order.

9.3 JURA cannot guarantee delivery dates of orders and or specific delivery times, and will not accept claims or payment compensation for this reason.

9.4 The shipping costs of the order will be of 10 euros (VAT included). In the event that the value of the order is equal or superior to 79 euros (including VAT) shipping costs are free. 

10. Cancellation of an order

10.1 If the Customer wishes to cancel an order placed through our website he will send an email to the address tienda@jura.com before 12:00 AM on the day after he made the purchase order, indicating in that email their name, and the order reference number to be cancelled.

10.2 If the order has already been delivered to the carrier and we cannot recover it, he may refuse the order at the time of delivery. Otherwise it will apply the provisions of Article 9 of these General Terms and Conditions of Employment (right of desist).

11. Right of Withdrawal

11.1 Information on the right of withdrawal

11.1.1 The Customer is recognized by law the right of withdraw of the purchase made through this web site without justification. The deadline to exercise the right of withdrawal is fourteen (14) calendar days from the day when the Customer or a third party indicated by the customer, other than the carrier agency, acquires the material possession of the goods.

11.1.2 The right of withdrawal may be exercised by an unequivocal statement by the customer, by providing the following means:

  • Filling the existing form on our website
  • E-mail: tienda@jura.com
  • Letter to: JURA Hospitality Centre (Dpto. Atención al Cliente). C/Hercegovina, 19-23, locales 3 y 4. 08006 Barcelona

11.2. Effects of right of withdrawal

11.2.1 In case of revocation by the customer, we will refund all amounts paid for the good or goods subject to refund, including standard shipping costs with the exception of the additional costs resulting from the choice by the Customer of a different mode of delivery, more expensive than the costs of the standard delivery we offer.

11.2.2 The return of the dropped goods will take place without undue delay and in any case no later than within 14 calendar days from the date on which the Customer report its decision to desist from this contract. The Customer is responsible for the possible decrease in value of assets resulting from handling them differently than necessary to establish the nature, characteristics or performance. In any case, for the purpose of exercising the rights of withdrawal it is necessary to return the product in its original packaging with the invoice. In the event that the product is returned without the original packaging or damage, the amount of credit to Customer shall be reduced by the corresponding amount.

11.2.3 JURA will proceed to make payment of the amount corresponding to revocation of the contract within 14 calendar days from the date on which Customer has effectively informed his decision to withdraw from the contract, provided that the Customer has fulfilled his duty of restitution of good or goods subject to desist, using the same payment method used by the customer in the initial transaction to make the refund.

11.2.4 The transport costs and the risk of return will be borne by the customer.

11.2.5 To return the property subject to withdrawal the Customer may use the label available on our website or your own print. Customer must send or deliver directly the refunded goods to:

JURA Hospitality Centre
C/Hercegovina, 19-23, locales 3 y 4
08006 Barcelona

11.2.6 The Customer shall return the goods without undue delay and in any case no later than within 14 calendar days from the date on which you communicate your right of withdrawal from the contract. The deadline is met if you send back the goods before the period has ended.

11.2.7 The right of withdrawal does not apply in the following products:

  • Sealed products that are unsuitable for return due to health protection or hygiene, and were unsealed after delivery.
  • Products liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly (food).

12. Information on product availability

12.1 JURA features products on its website that have been carefully selected for online shopping. Once an item is sold out it will be removed off the website as earliest opportunity and may not be available for sale again.

12.2 The prices of the products can vary from time to time. It may happen that a product that is not available have increased its price by the time that becomes available for sale on the website. In this case we will not accept claims for differences in prices between the old price and the new published price.

12.3 All items are subject to availability. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, you make and receive confirmation of an order and we do not have stock to serve the order, we will contact you to inform you of the new delivery date of your order or to offer you the possibility to return the amounts paid using the same payment method without any cost from your side or the option to replace the article ordered by a product of a similar or better features (as long as this does not involve an excessive cost for the JURA in which case we will inform you of the difference in the value of the product).

13. Pricing Policy

13.1 All prices shown in this website are in Euros and include current VAT legally enforceable at all times. Prices may vary and offers published can be withdrawn at any time without notice.

13.2 Although we try to ensure that all our prices published on our website are accurate, exceptionally errors may occur. In the event that JURA discover a mistake in the price of an item that the Customer has acquired, we shall immediately contact him and correct the price of the item on the website, offering the customer the option of reconfirming the order or cancelling it. If it is impossible to contact the Customer we reserve the right to cancel the order without he can assume any additional costs.

14. Warranty

14.1 The product purchased through this website, except for the food product, tableware and cutlery offered, enjoy 25 months of official JURA guarantee against manufacturing defects within the terms contained in this website in the " Official JURA Warranty "under the section "Service and Support ".

14.2 Where the product purchased through this web site present a lack of conformity not correspond to the offered features, submit defects that prevent normal use according to their nature or do not provide the services described therein, the Customer is entitled refunding of the acquired property within two years from the date of acquisition within the terms, timing and evidence set out in the revised text of the General Law for the Protection of Consumers and Users, R.D. Ley 1/2007, of 16 November.

15. Website

15.1 JURA reserves the right to modify the website or update the information contained herein or change the contents of these General Terms and Conditions at any time without further notification that its publication on the website.

15.2 Except with respect to the description of the goods and services available for purchase through our online store, we cannot guarantee the accuracy and/or veracity of the information provided on the website.

15.3 This website is developed for personal use, it is not permitted the access for commercial use. As long as the copyright and property rights are respected you can:

  • retrieve and display the content of this website;
  • print copies of its content provided that is for personal use;
  • and store their content in electronic formats (except in the case that they will be stored in a server o other storage device connected to a network)

15.4 You cannot use this web site or its contents:

  • for commercial purposes
  • for resale purposes including the systematic extraction and/or reuse of any part of this website (eg. item listings, descriptions, prices,…)
  • to download (other tan page catching) or modify total or partially the website.
  • to interfere with or disrupt any network or web site connected to this site, or increase the number of unauthorized access to other computer systems
  • to interfere with the enjoyment and use of the website by any user for any unlawful purpose

15.5 In addition it is not allowed to use this website in any of these cases:

  • data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools data;
  • framing techniques to enclose trademarks, logos and other images protected by copyright, design and texts used on this website;
  • meta tags or any other hidden text using our name or trademarks.

15.6 The use of this website does not authorize the Customer to create links to it or use any of the brands, designs, structures and/or logos contained therein, unless express and written consent of the owner.

15.7 JURA do not represent or warrant that the material contained in the website, any of the functions of the website and the server will operate without interruption or delay or will be error-free, free from defects, viruses or bugs or compatible with any other software or material. The website is provided "as it is". Accessing the website is entirely at your own risk.

15.8 It is forbidden to transmit through or to our website any defamatory, threatening, obscene, harmful or pornographic material or material that may infringe the rights of others (including intellectual property rights, rights of confidentiality or rights Privacy) or do not comply with THE established law.

15.9 This website and its contents including all text, graphics, logos, icons, images, data compilations, and software used in connection with this web site, are our property and are protected by copyright (copyright), trademarks (trade mark), database rights and other intellectual property rights.

15.10 This website may occasionally contain links to third party websites ("Third Party Site [s])." You acknowledge and agree that we shall not be responsible for the availability of such third party websites and We are not responsible for any content or services available in such third party websites. You should check the privacy statements and Terms and Conditions of the websites of third parties accessible from the website.

16. Liabilities and Compensation

16.1 JURA will not accept any responsibility for the misuse or misrepresentation of the website by third parties. Except as stated in these Terms, neither we or any of our employees, agents, suppliers or other representatives will be liable for any loss or damage related to the use or misuse of the website.

16.2 JURA is not responsible for any direct or indirect loss of any kind, including damage to software or hardware, data loss, damages for loss of business, loss of profits or any other indirect loss arising from the connection or use of the website.

16.3 You agree to indemnify immediately to JURA, its employees, officers, agents, service providers against all claims, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including court costs and attorney's fees that may arise as a result of violation by the user of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

16.4 We may terminate the use of the website by the User if we consider a violation of these General Terms and Conditions.

17. Privacy and Communication

17.1 When orders are placed through our website we collect personal data (i.e., name, address, email, ...). For details on how this information is use please read our Privacy and Security Policy.

17.2 To comply with our obligations under these General Terms and Conditions, we will contact you. By mail and by posting notices on the website. By this way you agree to receive electronic communications from us, which will satisfy any legal requirement as if they were written.

18. Jurisdiction

18.1 These General Terms and Conditions of this Agreement and all matters relating to orders that are made on the website will be submitted to applicable Spanish law.

18.2 Subject to the provisions of the Revised Text of the General Law for the Protection of Consumers and Users, for any issues or differences in interpretation, compliance and execution of this contract, the parties agree to submit to the Courts of Barcelona.

19. General

19.1 JURA reserves the right to change the terms of these General Terms and Conditions at any time. If any of these Terms and Conditions proves to be void or unenforceable, all other terms and conditions remain in full force and effect.

19.2 We will not be liable to you for any delay or failure of our obligations contained under these Terms and Conditions, if the delay or failure is due to causes beyond our reasonable control.

19.3 If the customer causes a breach of these Terms and Conditions and we do not carry out any action on our part, this will not prevent us from exercising our rights and remedies in other situations where the customer holds a breach of these General Terms and Conditions.

20. Customer

JURA offers the Customer our Hot Line Service that can be contacted through the following means:

  • Phone: 910 771 177 / 935 687 200
    (Monday to Thursday from 9:00 to 5:00 p.m. / Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.) 
  •  E- mail: atencioncliente@jura.com
  • Website: contact form
  • JURA Hospitality Centre: C/Hercegovina, 19-23, locales 3 y 4, 08006 Barcelona